The cosmetology office offers the most efficient procedures for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body under the most favorable conditions in terms of long-term investment. First, most of our procedures have a progressive, long-term effect. As a rule, the result lasts from 4 months to 1 year! And from each procedure, 5% of the check amount is returned to your personal account at the clinic as bonus points, which you can spend when paying for the procedure later.
In this article, we talk about modern ways of preserving organs to stay young and attractive. Below you will find information on advanced hardware and injection methods for preserving youth and beauty: laser rejuvenation, ultrasonic SMAS lifting, restoration of facial geometry with fillers, etc..
The most effective procedures for facial rejuvenation are combinations of hardware techniques (such as Ulthera ultrasonic mass-lifting, 4d laser rejuvenation on the Photon platform) with injection methods for the introduction of collagen stimulants.
HA-based fillers are used to further improve the oval face and restore lost volume. And for the elimination of mimic activity and the prevention of wrinkles, botulinum toxin preparations are out of any competition.
The cosmetic office is a cosmetologist with a high medical degree, SMART cosmetology, a smart and comfortable space for people who want to look their best every day.
General indications for anti-aging treatments
Depending on the age of the patient, different methods of maintaining tissue youth are used. At a young age these are less intense procedures (for example, working with redness on a laser in Frac3 mode), at an older age - with a more pronounced effect (for example, ultrasonic SMAS lifting, complex contouring). Modern cosmetology can be useful for:
- wrinkles, creases;
- tissue omission (flies, raised upper lid, etc. );
- dryness, peeling;
- redness, rash;
- blackheads, greasy shine;
- uneven complexion;
- swelling;
- second chin, indistinct contours of lower third of face;
- enlarged pores.
If you take care of your skin from a young age, you will easily avoid surgery in the future. We are for the preservation of physiology at the cellular level. All our techniques preserve tissues and their functions.
Types of modern anti-age facial procedures
In the clinic, peels are effectively used as part of a complex therapy for the treatment of acne, removal of post-acne and other scars. We do not use traumatic deep peels to keep your skin healthy and speed up recovery after the procedure.
Microcurrent therapy
Microcurrent therapy is not currently used in our clinic. In other clinics, it is prescribed as an individual procedure (for young skin), as well as as part of a complex for restoring skin functions, its elasticity and beauty.
Laser rejuvenation
Laser resurfacing is our specialty. From working with the vascular network to strengthening the oval face, from removing neoplasms to laser lipolysis, from lifting for mild age changes to lifting layer by layer in 4D format. Everything is possible in photography!
Botulinum therapy
Botulinum toxin injections are effective in eliminating facial asymmetry, smoothing mimic wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones. Botulinum toxin not only rejuvenates - it can relieve migraines, bruxism, nervous tics. A universal preparation that is combined with other injection and hardware methods.
Biorevitalization of the face, neck, décolleté, arms is used for patients of different ages, on average from 20 to 60 years (according to indications). This effective procedure prepares the skin for laser rejuvenation, saturates it with moisture after it, prevents drying and peeling in the cold season, and regenerates tissues after a vacation at sea or in the mountains. In a word, a must have for every modern man!
Doctors of modern clinics usually do not use plasmolifting, because this procedure has a less pronounced effect than mesotherapy, and also (importantly) is not indicated for all patients: it depends on the condition of the body, the presence of the disease. Not every plasma will be equally useful!
Modern cosmetology uses hyaluronic acid preparations as fillers. It is not so effective to make contour plastic to replenish the volume with the help of plasma gel, at least because it will get rid of faster.
Contour plastic
For contour plastic, preparations for strengthening the skin skeleton are most often used, as well as hyaluronic acid fillers. Complex contour plastic solves the following tasks:
- eliminates loose tissue
- compensates for lost volume
- compensates for asymmetry
- focuses on the points of youth
- corrects the shape of the lips, chin
KP is combined with laser and ultrasonic lifting. The procedure does not require rehabilitation and special care. Injectable facial correction is chosen by women and men who are environmentally friendly in terms of their health and appearance.
Where to start: effective procedures after 30-35 years
In general, we recommend starting before the age of 30! We explain why: the sooner you start preventing age-related changes, the sooner you start using individually prescribed cosmetics, the less effort will be needed to maintain the capacity of cellular resources in the future. At the age of 30-35, our patients are prescribed hardware SMAS-lifting, efficient rejuvenation procedures on Photon and contour plastic surgery. At this age, mesotherapy and biorevitalization show good results.
Intensive support: effective treatments after 40 years
In addition to the above procedures, collagen therapy actively affects the prolongation of youth - injections of collagen preparations. They are perfectly included in hardware-injection rejuvenation complexes, are suitable for women and men and show efficiency after 1 session.
Recovery of the lost: effective procedures after 50 years
After the age of 50, in addition to supporting 3-4D rejuvenation procedures in Fotona, we actively prescribe facial contouring to fix the young frame, eliminate relaxation, and compensate for lost volume in the cheekbones, cheeks and lips. Modern KP preparations allow you to create a winning emphasis on chin lines and facial contours.